

26 maggio 2006

La chiavetta usb della Microsoft non arriverà mai

Non so se vi ricordate, ma alcuni mesi fa si era sparsa la voce che la Microsoft regalava delle chiavette usb contenenti informazioni su come ottenere le licenze per il sistema operativo Windows.
Anch'io mi ero iscritto al volo, ovviamente solo per ricevere la chiavetta :-)

Purtroppo però un paio d'ore fa ho ricevuto una mail a riguardo; da quanto c'è scritto, sembra che la famosa chiavetta verrà spedita solamente a chi vive negli Stati Uniti.

Ecco il testo della mail:

Some things will always be a mystery.

Windows licensing doesn't have to be.

Thank you for your interest in the Mystery Solved Windows(R)
licensing promotion. We've received your request for more
information to help clarify Microsoft(R) Windows Desktop Licensing
pre-loaded on the USB drive. Unfortunately, this Mystery Solved
promotion was available in the U.S. only and while supplies last.

Please utilize the online alternative today, by simply
downloading* the Windows Desktop Licensing reference files
directly at:


To help simplify Windows Desktop Licensing, keep these points
in mind:

1) There are two legal ways to acquire a full Windows Desktop
license: through your hardware vendor (OEM/System Builder) or
Full Packaged Product.

2) Volume licensing covers Windows Desktop operating system
upgrades only.

3) OEM operating system licenses live and die with each PC-they
are not transferable.

Again, thank you for your interest in Mystery Solved and for
helping us spread the word about proper Windows licensing.

Microsoft Corporation


*Internet connect time charges may apply. Offer available through
June 30, 2006.

(c)2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and
Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries.

Pazienza, la chiavetta già ce l'ho...certo, averne una con il logo della Microsoft è tutta un'altra cosa!

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